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Team Richards Firearms Training of New Mexico

George Richards



Whether you are brand new to firearms or an experienced shooter, TEAM RICHARDS offers training to improve confidence and increase competence with your gun. We also provide personal security, home defense, crime prevention and active shooter courses to increase awareness and improve your survival in the chaos of daily life. Our commitment to you ensures you understand your responsibility under the law and how to safely function when using your gun in the fight. Never be afraid again. Prepare yourself for the fight. Protect your family. Defend your home. Refuse to be a victim. Our MISSION: Train responsible citizens to use appropriate levels of justifiable force while defending themselves and their loved ones; to control the outcome of the fight - AND WIN! Our VISION: Promote the responsible use of defensive firearms and support the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States through training, education, and outreach. Our VALUES: Safety and realism in training; High quality customer service delivery; Performance-based individual results; Challenging the "Square Range" paradigm to increase performance.Our MOTTO: A Posse Ad Esse (from that which is possible to that which is real). See you on the range!


313 Odessa Street

Elephant Butte, NM 87935




Elephant Butte Lake
Elephant Butte, NM 87935

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